About Me

Welcome to my wargaming blog. I am an avid wargamer who loves to talk about wargames. I started my journey playing Combat Mission Black Sea and fell in love with wargaming ever since. Think of my blog as a diary about computer wargames, military history books, films, and documentaries.

Anything to do with military history or wargaming is suspects to be included in my blog. I am also one of the co-owner of Hex!, a discord dedicated to computer wargaming. You are more than welcome to JOIN our growing community to find an opponent or just have a chat with us about your latest strategy and tactics!

6 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Just discovered your blog Max.

    Really impressed there is someone out there covering proper “groggy” wargames !

    As someone who is bowled over both by Shadow Empire at release and the potential of what Vic can do with it going forward I fully concur with your review.

    I love the fact you gave us a mini AAR on France 40 too. I see the graphics are being given a really impressive makeover by Wargame Design Studios and the upcoming Scheldt 44 looks a cracker.

    Just wanted to give you some feedback but thanks again for the articles to date.

    All the best

    Ian….Northumberland UK.

    • Hi Ian Gillibrand!

      Thanks you for your kind comments and support.

      It really means a lot to me to read everyone’s comment.

      Ye, I did this blog out of love for wargame. Not like there are no other wargames blogs out there but I wanted to add one that is focused on computer wargaming.

      My screenshots from France 40 AAR are actually using the map mods from here http://www.mapmod.se/ The devs are incorporating this maps mods in their latest games like JTS Serbia 14.

      All the best and hope to see you around here soon!

      Max Chee

      The Avid Wargamer

  2. Max- Woould love to get your thoughts/blog on Command Operations 2. Those who play it suggest its one of the best operational wargames around..

    • Hi Tommy, it’s a complex game, almost like Flashpoiny Campaign but in a real time but the units have more autonomy on tactical decisions . I think I’ll have to find some time to review the game.

      Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. Hi, Max. I read one of your articles about wargamers and the ten military proficiencies they must master. You write as someone who has served. The article was on-point and relevant. Keep up the good work.

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