The heat of summer sales is ever-increasing to new heights. Not to be beaten by Steam Summer Sale, JTS or John Tiller Software has taken up the summer fever sale reigns to place every one of their game released more than 12 months ago to a flat rate of only USD 29.95 starting from the 1st July 2020 – 19th July 2020. That’s almost the whole catalog except for a few recent titles like Japan 46 and JTS Civil War: Shenandoah.
Remember that choosing the right John Tiller games is highly based on your interest in the conflict. Since John Tiller’s catalog is quite extensive, covering multiple eras and wars. I’ll list a few of their highly regarded titles by the community, which you cannot go wrong.
P.S. Here’s a little secret. If you purchase in bulk costing more than USD 199, then you get an additional 20% discount – with no exception! So I’ve done the calculation for you, totaling USD 209.65. The extra bulk discount will it bring back down to USD 167.72! When the sale is over, I hope others can use this guide for their future purchases.
1) Battle of Normandy – Panzer Battles

Battle of Normandy is always mentioned along with Normandy ’44 when you bring out John Tiller’s games. It’s no surprise why this is the case. Battle of Normandy with two grand campaigns and 93 scenarios, covers the full invasion of Normandy beaches and all the proceeding actions along France to liberate Europe. It has a remastered map that looks so much better than before. This same treatment is seen throughout most of their titles. The panzer battle series is the sweet spot for most of us who love the grand operational movements in panzer campaigns, but also the detailed movements of tank columns and the ability to engage the enemy more than a hex away.
Give the panzer battle gameplay a spin in this demo.
2) Moscow ’42 Gold – Panzer Campaigns

One of my first loves from the eastern front theatre was Operation Barbarossa, the turning point of the war. Moscow ’42 Gold is regarded as a 2 in 1 game. Starting from the German Operation Typhoon portrayed in Moscow ’41, it follows up with the three major Soviet winter offensives with Operation Barbarossa until the tipping point during the winter of 42 with 57 scenarios in total. Moscow Gold also enjoys the new restylised map and four different campaigns of a hypothetical Axis second attempt to capture Moscow (Fall Kreml). This is the title to play if you want to experience the defrosting of the great Russian bear and the beginning of the end for Germany’s Third Reich.
You can try a demo for Panzer Campaign featuring Mius ’43
3) France ’40 – Panzer Campaigns

France ’40 was the first John Tiller game I ever bought. I had always been enamored by the blitzkrieg tactics that took France in only a few weeks, so it was the one that got my attention. France ’40 covers almost every aspect of this grand strategy. It comes with 28 scenarios and campaigns, and an additional 68 more from the remastered edition. Unlike most contemporary beliefs, France wasn’t such a pushover as most would like to think. I even managed to grab a major victory against a German assault in my PBEM game.
4) Normandy ’44 Gold – Panzer Campaign

If you asked me which to get if you can only go for one, then Normandy ’44 Gold would be it. It’s value for your money, and you get the gold remastered edition of Normandy ’44 with 96 scenarios in total for you to play. For those who play the classic board game, The Longest Day, then Normandy ’44 Gold is pretty much that but with AI, and the ability to play with players across the world plus tons of scenarios. This game also features all-new game graphics, including terrain, in-game counters, and 2D & 3D units, as well as the toolbar icons. There’s also a new sound effect added in the Gold edition too.
5) Campaign Overland – Civil War Battles

I chose Campaign Overland over the others in this era because it’s the most expansive out of the American Civil War series. Covering the period from the fall of ’63 up to the summer of ’64, and comes packed with a whopping 105 scenarios with a monster scenario of 1390 turns! There is more than enough content to last you for years. Besides this, you get to play as the two behemoths of the civil war, Grant or Lee. Famous bloody battles featured in this title include the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor. For history buffs, you know those are truly the bloodiest battles in the civil war. As an American Civil War buff, I cannot get enough of wargames from this period, but this might satiate my thirst for a time.
6) Campaign Waterloo – Napoleonic Battles

What can I say, I just love Napoleonic era battles. Waterloo was on my top list for John Tiller’s games to get right now due to the recent update for its graphic engine, giving this grand wargame the same treatment as Civil War: Shenandoah received last year. Remember when I say you need to choose John Tiller’s titles based on your interest in the era? Waterloo is the most well-known battle of Napoleon; even your mom knows about it! Waterloo arrives stock with about 60 scenarios, containing some what-ifs scenarios like placing the entire French Army against both the Anglo-Allies and the Prussians for one grand battle of annihilation.
If you are still not convinced, you can try out the demo called the Final Struggle over here.
7) First World War – Squad Battles

This one was a toughie for me. John Tiller’s Squad Battles are older than most on the list. They don’t receive updates as frequently as the rest, but there are still actively played by wargamers. First World War was my choice because it consists of almost every major battle during World War 1. Unlike other John Tiller titles that focus on a year or campaign. First World War has 67 scenarios covering actions from 1914 to 1918, in such battles as Gallipoli, Somme, Verdun, Cambrai, Vimy Ridge, Argonne, Belleau Wood, Cantigny, and more. And I bet you can recognize at least half of those battles mentioned. Squad battles play differently than the other categories. Your squads can engage at the enemy from a range of a few hexes, as opposed to hex-to-hex engagement seen in the panzer campaign series.
Feel free to try a demo using this system in the Grenada war.
For shorter scenarios Campaign Shenandoah is an excellent game. It also has the updated 3d graphics that all of JST’s Civil War Battles have – a real plus.
I own Shenandoah and it was one of my first JTS civil war game. Really enjoy the new graphics.